At MusicaClasicaBA, on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the love for music. Here’s a small selection to enjoy on this day (and others).
Dating tip: don’t try to sing this song to your partner to please them more or to make up for the lack of Valentine’s Day gifts. Instead, let’s listen to Anna Netrebko.
This concerto became famous as the heartbreaking soundtrack of the movie “Brief Encounter.”
If you have a mustache or are somehow British or emotionally restrained, all you have to do is play this piece on the stereo, stand awkwardly in the corner, and wait for the object of your desire to shower you with kisses. Guaranteed*. (*Not guaranteed at all).
Let Pavarotti speak. Singing. Anyway, Puccini does romance, distressed or joyful, better than most, and this aria is one of his most emotionally charged duets.
So the story itself didn’t end so well (the whirlwind of Christmas romance goes terribly wrong, teenagers take drastic measures, etc.), but the music inspired by Shakespeare’s most famous romance is so moving, so emotional…
The manuscript of the song Belle, bonne et sage is in the shape of a heart. It’s by the French composer Baude Cordier, representative of the musical style called Ars subtilior.
The lyrics begin like this:
Kind, good, wise, gentle, and noble,
On this day when the year becomes new,
I give you the gift of a new song
From my heart, which is presented to you.
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MusicaClasicaBA rompe con la idea de que la música clásica pertenece a una edad o clase social. Nuestra principal función es fomentar la interacción entre artistas, agentes del sector público y privado y el público en general, permitiendo afianzar los lazos culturales y artísticos de nuestra región.
Contamos con las Declaraciones de Interés Cultural del Teatro Colón, del Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación, de la Legislatura de Buenos Aires y de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. También, hemos sido elegidos en la edición 2019 de Samsung Innova como uno de los siete proyectos culturales más importantes del país.
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