Magazine MusicaClasicaBA 3.0

Magazine MusicaClasicaBA

MusicaClasicaBA 3.0 is a monthly digital publication by MusicaClasicaBA. It offers a more contemporary and unstructured approach to the world of classical music. In addition to emphasizing design, we leverage new technologies and social media, which is why we’ve added this new publication to our print magazine and website. In MusicaClasicaBA 3.0, you’ll find calendar information, articles, and interviews with prominent artists.

Furthermore, we annually produce a high-quality printed magazine and offer our readers the possibility to enjoy it in digital format. MusicaClasicaBA is the original magazine that launched this great project dedicated to the dissemination of this wonderful music.

¿Nos comprás un cafecito?

Somos un medio autogestivo e independiente. Por ello es fundamental contar con el apoyo de quienes nos leen.